F*** people’s expectations!


I remember during my studies at the university I had everything figured out. I just wanted to get married and have children – to have my life revolve around family. And then…

The unthinkable, the unimaginable happened. I’ve changed my opinion.

I’ve changed. My goals have shifted. It’s not that I don’t want children or a husband. But I’m not obsessing over it. If it comes to it, it comes to it. There are too many things to see and to experience to limit yourself. I don’t want to narrow the image of my future. I want to stay true to myself and follow my heart in combination with my reason and intuition.

No one should feel entitled to tell me that at the age of 28 I should have had a child by now; or that I should have at least got engaged, if not married. The miracle of the world is that we each have our own paths. And if I don’t hurt anyone, what do you care??

My sole job in this world is not to  be someone’s wife and mother. That is a glorious role you choose for yourself. It’s not an obligation. Some actually act as if women are only meant to be members of some kind of a maternity institution – chained, pumped with semen and giving birth as often as possible.

Well, sorry for having a different idea. For following my dreams. I apologize that doesn’t coincide with your image of me as a woman. I refuse to let others put limitations on my life. F*** people’s expectations. I have my own expectations about my own life.