Book Sale

I took some time away from blogging to enjoy the holidays and now I’m back with a special price on my contemporary romance novel, Equinox and Eclipse. Both books are available for 0.99 on Kindle and I hope you head there right now and get your copy.

Our trip

We had a Sri Lanka trip booked for April but after the horrible events at Easter, we decided to postpone it to June and just got back this Sunday. We had a wonderful time in this beautiful country, having a new adventure every single day. I wanted to share some photos from our holiday.

What have you been up to? Reading anything new? Maybe Equinox or Eclipse? 🙂 🙂

Reading list


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I finished reading Verity by Colleen Hoover and loved it. It’s something different by the author but I love her writing. It’s the perfect combination of suspense and romance. I devoured it.



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I’m cheating here because I haven’t started it yet but it’s waiting for me literally next to me at this moment.



WHAT I’M GOING TO READ NEXT: 99 Percent Mine and The Kiss Quotient

Image result for the kiss quotientImage result for 99 percent mine

I can’t decide which of these two should be first. 🙂 Any thoughts?


Dear You,

I plus you doesn’t naturally correspond to us, not matter how strongly you believe it does. Unity doesn’t happen out of nothing, simply because you have someone, because you are with someone. It takes work, it takes giving and taking. It means being there for someone in good and bad and not judge them for it. Sure you can make promises, vows even, but do you mean them? Will you live them?

Us stands for unconditional love and willingness to help and support. And not letting yourself be asked for it, begged for it. Not making someone feel like nothing, like a nuisance you have to deal with. Like they are a disappointment because they need your help. Like you expect to be given but never give anything back. You should lift me up, not drop me to the ground, making the air leave my lungs like a gust of wind.

I love you but I don’t feel loved. I don’t feel supported. Cherished. I feel like a piece not a person. A piece that is meant to fit the picture you’ve created without disturbing anything. I used to think life was a puzzle we were creating together but now I believe I am just one of the puzzle pieces you need to fit. But that is not a role that I want to take on. It might have been in the past but not anymore. I refuse to let anyone, even you, take anything from me. I will take it for myself.




Short story: Booklovers

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A perfect date behind them, she feels happy and eager to get to know him on an intimate level. She imagines peeling off the fabric boundaries between them, unwrapping each other like presents they have always wished for. Her palms are sweaty, her heart is racing. She has been waiting for this moment since meeting him.

Her stomach does a somersault as the numbers over the elevator door tell them they’re approaching their destination. Her nerves and excitement are intensifying in synch as the numbers get higher. Her whole body feels on fire with anticipation; she can’t wait to touch him and yet she is afraid the sensation of skin-to-skin contact might prove to be too much to bear for one heart.

He turns to smile at her as the lift comes to a stop. Her heart skips a beat, a consequence of his handsome face as well as the sweet anticipation of what’s to come.

She follows him into his apartment, her hand in his, her eyes scanning the lovely space as they enter. He plants a kiss on her lips, tells her to get comfortable, and goes into the bedroom to set the mood, closing the door behind him. She sits down on the sofa, looking around. Her eyes land on his bookcase and his magnificent collection of books. She didn’t think that anyone could rival hers and yet here she is confronted with just that. Her chest tightens at the thought of their common interest.

And then she sees it. Lying there on the coffee table. She doesn’t dare to touch it. But her eyes keep returning to it. She looks quickly away, only to stare at it again. Her arm extends toward the book without telling it to do so. She pulls it back fast, ashamed of her lack of self-control. But I’ve wanted it for so long. She sneaks a glance at the bedroom door and then grabs the book. She glides her fingers over the smooth surface, inhaling the scent of a freshly printed novel. I shouldn’t open it. I shouldn’t.

Opening the book, she lets her eyes feast on the first line. And then the second. Third. And she is lost, completely under the spell of it. She could try to stop. If she wanted to. She forgets about where she is, about who she is with. What matters is the story that is unravelling in front of her.

The door opens and he appears without her even noticing it. At first, his eyes show a slight shock at the shift of her attention, but no one is better to understand it than him. Heading into the kitchen, he pours them some wine and taking a book, he lies down on the couch with his head in her lap.

She plays with his hair absentmindedly as they both turn the pages reading the stories in front of them while creating a story of their own.


I don’t think there are words that would be able to express in detail just how grateful I am for you to take the time out of your day and read my blog. It makes me feel beyond thrilled when you like and comment my posts.

When I started my blog I never thought I’d like it as much as I do. It was created as a part of my building a writing career and promoting my contemporary romance novel but I never thought I would enjoy being a part of such phenomenal community so much. It’s truly been my most amazing pleasure to meet and interact with all of you, you are phenomenal!


Especially thanks to those who have bought and read my book. I always love hearing from you and I more than appreciate your support.

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Have a great Sunday!

What does my first novel tell you about me?

Let me answer you… Practically nothing.

I’ve always liked reading romance books (I might have mentioned this once or twice, or several times here) and I more than enjoy writing romance novels. As a romance author you get to create and develop a world of fictional romance that no love can compete with. It’s fun, it’s interesting, it’s exciting and appealing, and yes, it’s steamy.

I don’t know whether it’s just my surroundings. When I proudly share that I’ve written a contemporary romance novel, people don’t seem to get what that is. No, it’s not about boy meeting a girl and them only holding hands for the rest of their lives, blushing every time the thought of a peck on the cheek comes to mind. Romance novels do tend to have elements of erotica in them. Read it and deal with it, or don’t open it at all.

But what really bothers me is when people somehow think that my writing sexual scenes into the story of my book, gives them the right to talk about sex with me outside of the realm of fiction. Why would anyone think that my creating a steamy sexual scene gives them the right to offensively and vocally speculate that must also be a reality? It doesn’t matter and it’s none of your freaking business. If you enjoy the more passionate scenes in Equinox, I must be good with words and apparently was able to accomplish my goal. I don’t want the entire story to be overshadowed by sex. Intimate scenes are only there to support, not star in the book. And if you find yourself liking them, well thumbs up for me.

To be honest, I think that sexual scenes get a lot more flack in books than they do in movies. I can’t imagine writing nor reading a romance novel without some passionate intimacy. It’s common for sex to be a part of a relationship. Moreover, who wants to read a romance novel without steaminess and passion. Give me a break. Unless you are 99 years old, have lived in a bubble your whole life and have never experienced any type of intimate interaction, you shouldn’t be embarrassed by sex in books (and films) and you definitely shouldn’t condemn it.

People or rather those that have read my book somehow believe that because you write something that’s who you are, that they know who you are. You know my characters and the style might give you a feeling about who I am, but the plot and the events in the book give you absolutely no information about me; they especially don’t give you an insight into my bedroom or take you behind its door. The passionate paragraphs definitely aren’t in the novel for anyone to presume that they have any right to start a personal conversation about my sexual experience with me. It has nothing to do with me.

Has anyone ever thought of Stephen King as creepy for writing his books, or JK Rowling as a witch for hers? And you know Tolkien wasn’t a hobbit, right?

Books are written to be read and to be entertaining, and that is all a writer wants to accomplish. I want to offer you a fun distraction and relaxation, intrigue and excitement, fantasy and romance, and not an insight into my world and my bedroom. If I wanted to do that, I’d write a memoir; and then you would be able to presume that you know me, that you know my story and not that of Alexis and Colton as in Equinox. I might have lent my musical and clothing taste as well as a pinch of my sarcasm to the book but that is just because all three rock (wink).

I’ve been wondering if most authors have to deal with people around them falsely thinking that reading their novels gives an idea about the authors’ personal lives. It’s called fiction because it’s fictional and that is the opposite of reality. Choose a book, enjoy the story and don’t overanalyze what is supposedly appropriate and what it says about the writer. There is only one author but they have many works for a reason. And that reason is called imagination.

Hope you get to read a good book this week.

Book No. 2, here I come!


I had finished my first novel in the summer of (no, not of 69) but 2015. And ever since then I’ve been doing something for it, around it, because of it. But when I think about the time that has passed since then, it horrifies me because I never thought that I’d let that much time go by. I kept telling myself that I’d find the time to write but life just always stepped in screwing me over.

But nights where I couldn’t fall asleep because my mind was gloriously haunted by ideas and drafts for the second novel started accumulating and torturing me. Of course, my thoughts couldn’t find a better time to go through those scenarios then when I was exhausted and trying to fall asleep.

So, I decided and pledged that I’d make writing my second book a priority in my life; I’d stop whining and fantasizing about it and simply start doing it. The wrenching knot in my stomach due to the abstinence from writing and the constant obsession over thinking about it were forcing me to put my pen where my mind was. I just couldn’t stay away.

That is how it had started with the first novel – I had been thinking about it constantly, reading books and mulling over what I would or could have done with a scene. And it seems that the cycle was starting to repeat itself. (Thank God.) I was trying to find the time to sit down and start the second one but no such luck. The day was getting pushed back and the pressure in me was growing. I knew that my subconscious would force me to start writing, I just knew it. There was no way I could ever resist. It’s a part of me, a huge and significant part of me, and denying myself of it is impossible – I could attempt to ignore it but I couldn’t and wouldn’t ever want to. There is a piece of me missing whenever I’m not exploring my inspiration and creating a plot.

Writing is something that scares and excites me like nothing else. The sensation I get before, during and after it is incomparable to anything else. To me nothing comes even close to writing. I go to sleep thinking about it, wishing that I could function without closing my eyes; I wake up consumed by writing, nervously awaiting the moment when I’ll be able to sit down and continue developing the story. It is my drug and my lifeline at the same time.

It was time to feel complete and that could only be achieved by my jumping into writing my second book. And so I did. I finally started writing the second novel in my Alpha Series. I’ve been writing for three days, have been able to finish three chapters and I couldn’t be more ecstatic. Now I won’t be able to stop obsessing over it until I complete it.

So, if you need a new book that is entertaining and exciting on your reading list, might I suggest you grab a copy of Equinox – the first book in the series – before I finish the second one? It’s available on Amazon and Kindle.

Have a great day!



So I come home from a long, yet too short, vacation and in my mailbox I find the magazine that has published the first article about my novel. Of course, I’m beyond excited and want to share it with you.

Below is the picture of the magazine article. And underneath it is the translation.


When the summer heat tempts you to take a vacation on the paradise sand beaches, and when the ocean’s waves sooth your hot skin, your hands are dying for a refreshing cocktail and a book that would give you the perfect disconnect from the everyday life. The ideal reading material in the summer is a book that interests you so much you don’t want to join the beach party until you finish the chapter. And then the next one and the next.

The contemporary romance novel Equinox meets each of these criteria. The author Kristina Steiner published the first book in the Alpha Series on 1st April. The novel explores the idea of love in the modern society where the scale of control hangs balanced between a man and a woman. Can an independent, successful, ambitious person, whose priority isn’t a relationship, even fall in love? At first sight? The story describes what happens between two people when the thing they’ve seen as hell actually gives them heaven. But it’s still new and so far unwanted. Does that mean they will turn their backs on it? Are they even able to do it?

The novel is dripping with sarcasm, honesty, directness, fun and passion. The story is told from two perspectives, allowing the reader an insight into the world of the man and the woman. The goal of the author was to create a strong female character that is completely equal to the man. How does a relationship develop when the woman is the one who sets the rules and is an equal opponent, who has also set and accomplished her own priorities without ever needing anyone else? The book is not written based on the concept of “girl meets boy and they fall in love”. It is a complex relationship between two dominant subjects.

Due to the genre, the novel’s audience is primarily the female audience. But it doesn’t exclude the male readers—which can be confirmed by several men. While reading you will get everything you expect from a good book and more. The book will make you laugh, sad and mad. The novel has been utterly addictive for every reader who has ever opened it.

You will get the chance to meet the author in the fall issue where she will offer and insight into her world of creating. Until then you can read her personal blog, where the topic is Equinox and the female perspective on the modern society. Besides that, she is also active on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter with no threats of a writer’s block.

The novel is available on Amazon.

For more information, you can contact her at

By N.S.


“If you like romance or better said spiced up romance this book will not let you down. The author pleasantly surprises with interesting characters, exciting story and most importantly tasteful level of erotica. Finally a book with a good love story and the right amount of sex (since traditionally it’s either boring romance you get or kinky porn). Love it! You won’t regret buying this one.”

“Of the hundreds of works I have read, I can’t say that I have ever read a romance novel. In fact, the closest I’ve probably ever come to reading a romance novel is The Testament by John Grisham. If that counts – LOL. But for whatever reason – it’s importance irrelevant – I committed to reading Kristina’s “Equinox”. I have a lot of respect for someone who is compelled to publish their manuscript regardless of its eventual readership, whether one or a million or more read it, the fact that the tenacious author has seen their work through to completion is more than commendable. It is a feat in and of itself. Moreover, Kristina has not shied away from engaging the reader in tasteful, albite steamy erotica. But what is a romance novel without such raw, honest, uninhibited intimacy? Her work is well worth the read and she has left the door open to further works which I will be sure to peruse.”

“Soon after I started reading this book I got totally obsessed with the story and characters. I love how the story is filled with romance, passion, desires and a little bit of sarcastic thoughts and jokes, which entertain everyone. You fall into it so easily and you can’t wait to find out what’s coming next. The characters quickly capture your heart and you start breathing and thinking with them. And the ending is phenomenal. I liked how the author described the characters. I could completely visualize them and their actions as if I was watching a movie. In addition, the author has a really good taste in music and fashion.
Equinox is a perfect runaway from everyday life. Excellent work!”

Equinox is an interesting book that spiced up my summer holiday. The romance sucked me into the whirlwind of emotions and erotica, which make the story even better. The main characters have very defined personalities that thoughtfully create the story and keep it interesting for the reader. Through the eyes of all characters, we step into the world of wealthy and successful people, who have everything their hearts desire. But despite that they have some things in common with the readers. They can’t control or hide their feelings. That makes them closer to the readers. The emotional content, the family drama in the background, the wish for control show the true and realistic side of the protagonists, who are very relatable.”

“So strong and independent. She is a goddess. He is divine and powerful. It wasn’t hard for me to jump into their love game, hiding, sacrifices and constant want. The story of Alexis and Colton is unpredictable. You want what they have—love that is bigger than both of them. The author has inserted a lot of surprises, life advice and hidden rules about love. The characters whose personalities are carefully selected and create a common story that will interest everyone. Personally, I liked the chapters from two perspectives because that makes sure the readers understand both sides, actions and emotions. It’s a book about power, strength, passion and life. I adore it.”

“This book is the best! I promised myself I would be very critical but I’m speechless. It has simply impressed me. I’m looking forward to the next one.”

“Definitely not just your average romance novel! A very smart and interesting take on
modern relationships between men and women. I highly recommend it!”

I love this book! I was expecting a cliché novel (like 50 Shades) but it’s so much better. The book is incredible. It has the perfect amount of everything. I hope the author never stops writing. It is inspirational.”

Teasing teaser

She puts her hand on it, unable to resist the touch.
“Wow, it’s so hard.”
She stretches her palm over it.
“And so soft at the same time.”
She slides her gentle and eager fingers over its smooth surface.
She closes her eyes, enjoying the feel of it under her palm.
She traces it with her fingertips from one end to the other, marvelling its size.
A moan escapes her sensual lips.
And then, she opens her eyes, puts it close to her face, licks her lips in anticipation and…
Starts reading.

The text is not part of my romance novel but it is written in the same style – cheky, funny, direct and… Well, follow the link and see for yourself 😉